Rocky Colavito Autographed AL Baseball Full Name Signature
Rocky Colavito Autographed AL Baseball Full Name Signature

Rocky Colavito Autographed AL Baseball Full Name Signature

Your Price:$299.99
Item Code:I0039662-AE93176
Rocky Colavito was an outfield star who is best known for his years with the Cleveland Indians. In 1959, he hit four consecutive home runs in one game. In 1965, he became the first AL outfielder to play a complete season with a perfect 1.000 fielding percentage. Colavito was a 9-time All-Star and was just the fifth player in AL history to have 11 consecutive 20-home run seasons. During that span, he hit 40+ home runs three times and had 100+ RBIsix times. This baseball was hand signed with his full name, "Rocco Domenico Colavito", by Rocky Colavito. The signature includes authentication from PSA/DNA.

Player: Colavito, Rocky
Item Type: Baseball
Signed: Yes
Authenticated By: PSA/DNA

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